Scouts NSW - 1st Ermington Scout Group


Joeys Scouts is about Discovering Adventure.

This is the beginning of your journey as a Scout. In Joey Scouts, you will make new friends and look out for each other. You will be part of a small team called a Patrol. Working together in your Patrol, you will discover lots of different, fun, exciting, and challenging adventures both indoors and outdoors as you discover new skills and abilities

You will discover the world around you through adventures in your community, exploring creative and personal discoveries.

Joeys at Ermington

Meetings take place during school terms on Mondays from 6.30 - 7.30 pm. For more information, contact our Joey Scout Leader.

Term 1 for 2025 starts on Monday 3rd February. See below for our term program. New Joeys need to complete a trial registration before attending their first meeting. Come along for a free 4 week trial and have some Joey fun. We accept Joeys from 6 years of age.

See also Joey Resources.

Files available for download