Scouts NSW - 1st Ermington Scout Group
Payment for activities and hall hire is via our Group Bank Account. Please make sure you add an appropriate reference so that we can correctly allocate it.
Account Name: 1st Ermington Scouts
BSB: 032 280
Account Number: 180 160
Our Group was established on 27/07/1953.
More information on our Group history and current information on our Group is available in the files below.
The Group Committee is a dedicated group of parents and community members, that work with the Group Leader to ensure the Group has sufficient resources and policies in place to effectively run the youth program. For more information on the roles vist the Commitee Resources page.
The Group Commitee meets on the 1st Monday of the month at the hall from 7.30 pm. Come along and help us to provide great Scouting to youth in the local area. We need parent representatives from Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers to attend this meeting.